Posts tagged ‘满意度调查’

Tuesday, March 7, 2023

Xi’s Business Speech: The West has spat into your Porridge

China’s party, military and state leader Xi Jinping spoke to the CPPCC delegates of the All-China Federation of Industry and Commerce on Monday afternoon local time in Beijing.

One of the takeaways from his speech, probably not surprisingly, was  that he emphasized party leadership over business1). (Ask Jack Ma if he was surprised.)

习近平在看望参加政协会议的民建工商联界委员时强调 正确引导民营经济健康发展高质量发展,新闻联播,2023-03-06

Maybe somewhat more strikingly, Xi went beyond the usual descriptions of a “difficult” etc. environment for China, and blamed  “containment carried out by Western countries under U.S. leadership” for at least some of the undeniable difficulties China is facing. He combined that with an emphasis on achievements of the past five years, using the phrase of “不易” again – i. e. achievements that hadn’t been easy to come by2)

What he did not mention was that no country in the world is obliged to throw first-class technology at China, and that it had been China that tested economic-coercion tools against countries like Australia and Lithuania.

The following is a short translated excerpt from Xi’s speech on Monday.

Xi Jinping pointed out that the five years that followed the party’s 19th National Congress have been extremely unusual and outstanding years. Our country’s external environment has suddenly changed. Uncertain factors that are hard to predict have significantly grown, and especially the Western countries under American leadership have carried out comprehensive containment, blockade and suppression, bringing unprecedented, serious challenges to our country. At the same time, we are facing a multitude of difficulties inside our country, such as repeated corona epidemics and growing downward pressure on the economy. We will adhere to the overall main key of seeking progress within stability, we will rise to the challenges, calmly respond, not believe in evil, we will not fear, won’t seek refuge, average GDP will grow by 5.2 percent, we won the fight against poverty as planned, built a society of moderate prosperity, reached the first two-centenary goal, promoted the party’s and nation’s achievements that have found global attention, and promoted our country’s steps into the construction of a new milestone of comprehensive socialist modernization. The successes of the past five years are the fruit of the entire party and the entire people unitedly struggling, showing the essence of the CPPCC representatives’ contributions.



1)   「要引导民营企业和民营企业家正确理解党中央方针政策,增强信心、轻装上阵、大胆发展,实现民营经济健康发展、高质量发展。」
2)   「我们动态优化调整防控政策措施,较短时间实现了疫情防控平稳转段,新冠病亡率保持在全球最低水平,取得疫情防控重大决定性胜利。我们完整、准确、全面贯彻新发展理念,着力构建新发展格局、推动高质量发展,在全球通胀达到40多年来新高的情况下,我国物价总水平保持平稳,全年经济增长3%,在世界主要经济体中是很高的。这些成绩的取得,实属不易。」
Previously: 来之不易 (not easy to come by).



China’s “multilateralism” only for big powers, CNN / Landsbergis, March 7, 2023

Thursday, June 9, 2022

Press Review, Thursday, June 9, 2022

1. Guanchazhe headline at 08:50 GMT / 16:50 Beijing standard time /

He Qinghua, first-level inspector at the Bureau of Disease Prevention and Control of the National Health Commission, on Thursday's press conference at the health commission's press conference center, Xizhimen office quarters

He Qinghua, first-level inspector at the Bureau of Disease Prevention and Control of the National Health Commission, on Thursday morning’s press conference at the health commission’s press conference center, Xizhimen office quarters

Q (“China Daily”):
We have seen that after cluster outbreaks in sections of the city, requirements to nucleic acid test certificates concerning time spans, entering and leaving places have differed from each other. I would like to ask under what specific circumstances is there a need for a test certificate from within 24, 48 or 72 hours? On what basis are the certificate duration limits determined? Will certificate controls on entry and departure from different locations become the normality in the future? Thanks.
A (He Qinghua):
Thank you for your question. After a disease-cluster outbreak, there is a need to determine and formulate the nucleic acid test strategy in accordance with the requirements of epidemic control and prevention, a need to delimit scope and frequency of testing, to avoid blindly expanding the scope to mass nucleic acid tests, and to [rather] carry out nucleic testing people in accordance with risk levels, from high to low risk. The first nucleic acid screening in a closed area should be completed within 24 hours, and a mass nucleic acid screening in the control area should be completed within 48 hours. In other words, when an outbreak occurs, comprehensive arrangements concerning people to be tested, scope and frequency of tests must be established in accordance with epidemic prevention and control requirements. The closed area definitely completes a mass test within 24 hours and the control area completes the first mass testing within 48 hours. In medium- and high-risk areas’ closed and control areas, people must not leave the area, but if you absolutely have to travel in areas with a low risk of outbreaks, a 48-hours nucleic acid test certificate is required. Any region can adjustments in accordance with the needs arising for epidemic prevention and control.
Also, in areas with no epidemic outbreaks and no risk of importing [coronaviruses], nucleic acid tests on entry and departure should not become kind of a norm. Beijing has ways of handling this, and we would like to ask director Li Ang for a presentation.

2. Where does the Economy go?


“Seize the opportunity, deepen structural reform”

That’s what Professor Zhang Jun, Dean at Fudan School of Economics and an economic researcher, discusses in an interview addressing the “three pressures” of shrinking demand, supply shocks and weaker expectations (需求收缩, 供给冲击, 预期转弱).
After a detailed discussion of options to revive the economy, reducing youth unemployment etc., Zhang says that

I am more and more worried that our country’s economy is entering a vicious circle. In my opinion, the only way to break from this cycle is to seize the opportunity and to promote deeper structural reform, to thoroughly organize government-market relations. Just as Secretary General Xi Jinping emphasized at the Central Comprehensively Deepening Reforms Commission‘s twenty-third meeting on December 17, 2021, the development of a socialist market economy is a great creation of our party. The key is to handle the government-market relationship well, to let the market have a decisive role in the allocation of resources, and to play a better role as a government.

3. Biden stumbles

But there’s good news, too: U.S. President Biden nearly falls, an animated gif informs the exhilarated reader.


Complete picture of Guanchazhe’s main page this morning GMT:

Link 1 (top section)

Link 2 (section 2)


Related / Updates

Whereever, you need a test result, BBC, June 9, 22
Inflation isn’t the problem, income is, SCMP, June 9, 22

Wednesday, April 20, 2022

You Sikun: Russian-Ukrainian War a “Great Revelation”

The following is a translation of a speech given by Taiwan’s Legislative Yuan’s Speaker You Si-kun (游錫堃) on Tuesday, opening the national-day preparatory committee. “National day” refers to Taiwan’s double-ten celebrations.
Main link: National Day preparatory committee established – You Si-kun: strengthen the concept of Taiwan consciousness (國慶籌備會成立 游錫堃:強化台灣主體意識概念發想)

UDN coverage, April 19

UDN coverage, April 19

Legislative Yuan Speaker You Si-kun chaired the national-day celebrations peparatory committee’s opening session this morning. He said that the Russo-Ukrainian war is a great revelation for people worldwide and in Taiwan. This year, the general meeting office and the fireworks office1) are asked to actively plan and strengthen Taiwanese subject consciousness2) and cohesion as well as the will of the people to protect the land.


[The following paragraph is about technicalities concerning SARS-COVID prevention – left out here]

You Si-kun said that under last year’s rising changes and challenges, the national-day celebrations, besides improving preventive measures against the pandemic, also carved out high-quality celabratory activities. In addition to inviting the heros of the Olympics and Paralympics, those fighting the pandemic, those who defended Taiwan and stabilized society, were part of a heros’ motorcade to be cheered and thanked by people all over the country for their efforts and hard work for Taiwan.


This was combined with work for the overseas compatriots, with the Overseas Community Affairs Council taking overseas compatriots to the national day evening banquets and the national-day gathering in front of the presidential palace. They saw the atmosphere of the Kaohsiung fireworks and the exciting events they brought for the Taiwanese. All celebration activities brought the crowds to many places, improving tourism revenues and earning public praise.


You Si-kun said that the Russo-Ukrainian war is a great revelation for people worldwide and in Taiwan. This year, the general meeting office and the fireworks office1) are asked to actively plan and strengthen Taiwanese subject consciousness2) and cohesion as well as the will of the people to protect the land. This year’s national day holiday will be three days, from October 8 to October 10. He believed that the people would certainly the national-day events, hoped that everyone would have fun with combined education and entertainment, and that [the national day celebrations] would be activities with ample vitality, cohesion and consensus-building, and participation.




1) 大會處及焰火處, the genereal meeting office and the fireworks office, both of them offices under the preparatory committee
2) Subject conciousness may not be the perfect equivalent – sociologists would be in a better position than I to judge -, but I found this term in a paper about Korean self-awareness-building, too
Sunday, January 3, 2021

Huanqiu Shibao: “Strike the iron while it is hot, Reinforce China’s political self-confidence”

The following are translated excerpts from an unsigned editorial by Huanqiu Shibao. The article was published online on Sunday. Links within blockquotes added during translation.

Main link:
To take a turn for the better, 2021 will require hard work (2021,好转需经艰苦努力才会发生)


This year, China has ample capital to continue [the process of] becoming the most outstanding country with its successes in fighting the epidemic and in transforming these achievements into fruits of economic development. To accelerate the expansion of domestic markets, to promote the formation of the dual-circulation pattern and its consolidation is crucial, because the trade wars of the past few years have told us that relying on the international markets alone is highly problematic and the political risks of it are growing. Domestic markets that balance and mutually support each other have become the road to follow.


Even if the global economy shows some recovery in the new year, it will be weak, and if China’s share in this year’s international recovery is disproportionally high, it will cause more jealousy, and this is something we have to be aware of.


China’s leadership in controlling the epidemic has provided us with a huge comparative advantage over other major countries, and this summary rather belongs to history. As far as China’s society itself is concerned, especially as far as many individuals are concerned, the impact and challenges the coronavirus epidemic has brought about are more real, and China’s policies of this year must address these practical problems, and they must not lower their problem-solving qualities because of the epidemic.


One of the biggest earnings for China’s society in 2020 is the increase in political self-confidence. The epidemic has provided the Chinese people with a rare glimpse on the efficiency of China’s political system and its people-centered objective. America’s idolistic effect has basically collapsed. But one year is too short. Chinese society’s political self-confidence must be reinforced by striking the iron while it is hot. This year is a critical period during which the Chinese people’s self-acknowledgment of last year must go on.



It won’t be easy to make China take another step forward while giving the masses another experience of improvement at the same time, but it deserves China’s efforts. Objectively speaking, the number of Chinese people who have suffered losses in 2020 hasn’t been small, and 2021 must allow this great number of people to “turn losses into gains”, and turn China’s victory into a common triumphal hymn for all the people.




A test for our Governance System, Jan 24, 2020
Frugal new year, Febr 10, 2018


Friday, July 3, 2020

Coverage from Beijing: Hong Kong’s unshrinking Police, Purple Banners, and Jimmy Lai himself

The following is a translation of an article published by Beijing Daily online. Chang’anjie Zhishi (长安街知事), the paper mentioned in this article as the main newsgatherer, is another publication from the same publishing house as Beijing Daily. It’s name may be loosely translated as “Familiar with what’s going on on Chang’an Avenue“.

The term cross-border powers (境外势力), in addition to foreign powers (外国势力) most probably refers to Taiwan, a country not recognized by China as independent. Taiwan has in fact been offered (or threatened with) the “one-country, two-system” arrangement by China.

Links within blockquotes added during translation.

Main Link: The Police don’t shrink from tough measures!

On the second day of the Hong Kong National Security Law*), the police don’t shrink from tough measures! Chang’anjie Zhishi has noticed that up to today (July 1) at 3 p.m., two people suspected of violating Hong Kong’s national security laws have been arrested, one man and one woman, and in addition, more than thirty people have also been arrested.


All five photos as published by “Beijing Daily” online (click main link for bigger pictures)

In the afternoon shortly before 3 p.m., Hong Kong police discovered a woman displaying a “Hong Kong independence” slogan poster at Causeway Bay’s East Point Road. She was arrested under suspicion of violating Hong Kong’s national security law, and police seized the related items as evidence. The flags of the US and the UK were also fixed to the poster.


Before that, at about 1:30 p.m., police stopped and checked a black-dressed man with suspicious behavior at Paterson Street, and found that he had a banner with the “Hong Kong independence” slogan with him. That man became the first suspect of violating Hong Kong’s national security law to be arrested.


The police have issued a reminder that Hong Kong national security law has gone into effect with clear regulations about four types of crimes: crimes of national splitting, crimes of subverting state power, crimes of terrorist activities, crimes of colluding with foreign or cross-border powers to endanger national security and corresponding criminal responsibilities. Police would firmly enforce the law, so as to protect Hong Kong citizens’ lives and properties as well as every kind of basic rights and liberties they enjoyed in accordance with the law.


Police also announced that starting from midday, there were assembled crowds in the area of Causeway Bay’s Paterson Street, East Point Road, and Great George Street, hooting, damaging social peace, and even rushing out onto the road, thus blocking traffic.


Police have taken a rigorous and restrained approach, reminding people that mass assembly constituted a violation of the Public Order Ordinance and Hong Kong National Security Law, and by warning the crowd to disperse and immediately leave, but a share of them still refused to obey.


“Beijing Daily” caption: 警方举紫旗发出警告 (police holds up purple transparent to issue a warning)

Police thereupon took law enforcement action and arrested more than thirty people under suspicion of illegal assembly, violation of Hong Kong’s national security law, preventing police staff from carrying out their duties, carrying offensive weapons, etc. Police also dispatched specialized crowd management vehicles as well as the well-known water-cannon vehicles.


Chang’anjie Zhishi noted that at around noon, the boss of Next Digital, Jimmy Lai himself, appeared at Paterson Street, together with Hong Kong Democratic Party‘s former chairman Albert Ho, Lee Wing-tat, Lam Cheuk-ting, and others. They set up a fundraising street stand.


“Beijing Daily” caption: 右一为黎智英 图源:香港东网 (first from right: Li Zhiying / Jimmy Lai)

Jimmy Lai stayed there for about an hour and then left the street to go to Hong Kong Shangrila Hotel with Albert Ho and Lam Cheuk-ting, then returning to their homes.




*) There doesn’t appear to be an official English translation of the “national security law” yet, but the HKFP website offers an unofficial translation in English. Chinese ones can be found everywhere, there included.



“Terrorism breeding, iron fact,” June 3, 2020
“Pillar of Humiliation,”July 25, 2019
Pointing Fingers, Drawing Feet, May 11, 2019
Liu Xiaobo, 1955 – 2017, July 14, 2017
Szeto Wah, 1931 – 2011, Jan 2, 2011


Updates / Related

Your stability, my passport, HKFP, July 4, 2020


Wednesday, June 3, 2020

Hong Kong Security Secretary: “Terrorism breeding in HK, iron fact”

The following is a translation of an RTHK (Radio Television Hong Kong) report on yesterday’s LegCo security panel session. Translated off the cuff. If you find mistakes, please let me know.

Links within blockquote added during translation.

Police have said that from last year to now there have been 14 cases involving explosives, four cases of genuine arms, and 76 arrested, of who 30 had already been prosecuted. Security Bureau secretary John Lee Ka-chiu said that this illustrated that local terrorism was breeding in Hong Kong. He emphasized that counter-terrorism was a responsibility of the entire population, and called on the public to cooperate in law enforcement. The authorities would strike with the strictest laws.


At the Legislative Council’s Panel on Security meeting, John Lee Ka-chiu said he believed that in various violent [events] there had been financial funding organizations and assistance, such as supplies of helmets, gas masks, weapons and umbrellas, etc., and there had been cases where such material had been provided from ranks behind to the first lines. John Lee Ka-chiu described great numbers of resources, and a lot of related material left behind on the streets after insurrection. He believed that because of the authorities’ recent effective strikes, and maybe because of decreasing funding from abroad, such equipment had been reduced in recent violent incidents.


Legislative Council member Claudia Mo Man-ching asked the authorities to provide evidence for the cases mentioned, and asked if the authorities had been part of terrorism in the Yuen Long July 21 incident of last year. John Lee Ka-chiu retorted that the other side should not trivialize the violence and added that evidence would be seen in court, describing this as an iron fact.




Attendance list, June 2, 2020
Background brief, June 2, 2020
For discussion, June 2, 2020

HK officers in Xinjiang, SCMP, Jan 9, 2019



“Riding roughshod,” RTHK, Jul 4, 2020


Monday, May 18, 2020

Tsinghua School of Journalism: Improving International Propagation Abilities, “objectively additionally spurred by Global Corona Pneumonia Outbreak”

The following is a translation of a Tsinghua University communiqué, published on the Weixin account of Tsinghua University School of Journalism and Communication’s1) Youth League committee.

An apparent summary of what the communiqué amounts to can be found there.

Weixin Youth League post
(click photo for main link)


Links and footnotes added during translation.

Main Link: Tsinghua University vice chancellor Peng Gang takes part in School of Journalism and Communication plenary teachers and staff meeting (清华大学副校长彭刚参加新闻学院全体教职工会议)

On May 14, Tsinghua University School of Journalism held a combined meeting of people present there, and through online connection. Tsinghua University vice chancellor Peng Gang, Tsinghua University School of Journalism dean Liu Binjie, daily operations vice dean Chen Changfeng, party secretary Hu Yu2) and more than 40 School of Journalism teachers and staff took part. Hu Yu presided over the meeting.


Peng Gang first conveyed the University’s set of recent reform measures. Peng Gang pointed out that the School of Journalism was both the University’s strategic layout branch of learning and a provider of strategic support for national development. The School of Journalism had, in the years since its establishment, achieved successes and broadened its domestic and international influence by cultivating talents, and in other respects, providing good foundations for deepening reform and for comprehensively improving academic strengths. After repeated studies and careful decision-making, it had been decided that the School of Journalism’s scale of masters student graduates should be greatly broadened, and that talent cultivation on the graduate level should be carried out at the School of Journalism in future. This was in line with the school-running objectives3), raising the school-running level, further solidify the School’s educational concept moves of “center on quality, make use of practice, face the mainstream, cultivate dab hands.” Even more profound foundations, even more spacious room for high-level journalistic talents needed to be cultivated, the School needed to amply mobilize all teachers’ enthusiasm, doctoral and graduate student cultivation objectives, course designs and cultivation environmental connections needed to be systematically and thoroughly investigated and reconstructed, and cultivation quality be conscientiously guaranteed and improved. Peng Gang demanded that the School needed to robustly and thoroughly carry out work, implement the demands stated by University Chancellor Qiu Yong on behalf of the University, strengthen theoretical foundations, actively serve the national strategy, value and support young teachers’ development, continuously improve the ranks of qualified teachers, continue to promote internationalized school-running, and improve international propagation abilities4).


Liu Binjie pointed out that carrying out strategic adjustment of news propagation and talent cultivation patterns at the School was an innate need for Tsinghua University’s global top position. The global corona pneumonia’s outbreak had objectively additionally spurred the University’s adjustment pace at strategic academic adjustment. Looking back at the School of Journalism’s recent twenty years of development, eye-catching successes had been achieved in the fields of scientific research, talent cultivation, and international cooperation. In a new situation and at a new stage, the national strategic development needs had to be served further, urgent needs of academic development be directly confronted, and change be actively lead.


Firstly, we must conscientiously research the international situation and the international struggle for public opinion5), continue to aim at news propagation disciplines, public-opinion work6), developments and changes in the news industry, bring out academic special knowledge in specialized fields, prepare and work ideologically for a rather long period of responding to changes in the external environment;


Secondly, the fundamental principles of journalism and fundamental theories’ research must be further strengthened, basic skills be firmly grasped, research of journalism with Chinese characteristics be robustly promoted, and excellent and groundbreaking high-end academic achievements be made;


Thirdly, on the foundation of maintaining the stability of the teaching order, the direction of the Schools talent cultivation and positioning should be comprehensively discussed, and, with the objective of cultivating high-class compound talents as needed by the country, this opportunity of broadening the scale of graduate students be grasped, and the quality of graduate cultivation be conscientiously improved;


and fourthly, the educational and scientific research system must be reconstructed, to be oriented towards all the School’s students, to be oriented towards the news industry and to all sectors of society, and a high-level news propagation teaching and research system, in line with Tsinghua University’s future development, and in line with the future of news propagation science and situation, be newly designed.


At the meeting, members of the party and administration joint conference also informed about the School’s recent work, discussed enrollment of new students and dissertation defense arrangements during the epidemic, cultivation systematic adjustment objectives, the 14th scientific five-year plan’s direction, international online education and forums etc..




1) School of Journalism is Tsinghua University’s official English translation. “News and Propagation School” (新闻与传播学院) would be a translation closer to the original.
2) the School of Journalism’s party secretary, that is, and dean of the cultural creativity development research institute.
3) I’m not familiar with terms like these, but that article uses the term School-running orientation as the definition of category and type, level and goal of a school. Levels and objectives are also terms used in this Tsinghua communiqué, and research about one’s own university’s positioning may count as “orientation”.

4) “International communication capacity”, a term that has been in use for years, is a centrally recommended translation of “国际传播能力”. My guess is that international news propagation abilities / propagation abilities would be translations closer to the sense of the Chinese originals, and I’ve used the latter in this translation.

5) More context about the international struggle for public opinion can be found in this translation by China Media Project (CMP), posted some eleven years ago.

6) Public-opinion work (新闻舆论工作) is nothing invented by Xi Jinping, and nor is the idea that this kind of work must serve the party and the state. Jiang Zemin, in a “teaching” (教导) for “People’s Daily” in 2010, reportedly told his audience that news and public opinion work “must closely revolve around the central issue of economic construction, and obey and serve the general situation of the entire party and state” (新闻舆论工作要紧紧围绕经济建设这个中心,服从、服务于全党全国工作的大局). Operational handles may be filled with additional content, but the CPC likes the reverent authority that comes with things “we’ve always said”.
Repacked, in this case, by Xi Jinping in 2016, and unpacked by CMP.


Updates / Related

More difficult than any other period, Liu Binjie, March 2012


Monday, May 4, 2020

Guangdong Province: Implementing “Equal Treatment and no Discrimination” measures

China News Service (CNS, 中新网) with an article on Guangdong Provincial party committee’s and government’s open letter to nationals and foreigners of April 17, and a package of rules based on that open letter, obliging nine trades to treating nationals and foreigners equally and without discrimination.

The CNS article was published on Saturday, and a thread of tweets (by a Xinhua employee in Brussels) provides a translation. No warranty for accuracy.



Hearts and Minds, Febr 13, 2009