Archive for April, 2022

Thursday, April 28, 2022

“Korean People’s Army’s” 90th-anniversary: Ever-victorious Feats

The following is a lineup of the Chinese and English translations of Kim Jong-un’s speech on Kim Il-sung Square on April 25, provided by “Voice of Korea”, North Korea’s foreign radio station. Either translation will give you the gist of the other, but the wording is often somewhat different. A simultaneous translation given by Phoenix TV‘s edtitor who covered North Korean television’s live transmission is again, in terms of wording, somewhat different from the Chinese version given by “Voice of Korea”.
Kim made his speech at a nightly parade, celebrating the 90th anniversary of the North Korean army.

North Korean TV coverage

North Korean TV / Phoenix coverage, April 25, 2022


Main link: 敬爱的金正恩同志在庆祝朝鲜人民革命军建立90周年阅兵式上的讲话 Main link: Speech made by President of State Affairs Kim Jong Un at military parade for celebrating 90th anniversary of KPRA
All the brave officers and men of the armed forces of our Democratic People’s Republic of Korea,
Officers and men of the units participating in the military parade,
Comrade war veterans, exemplary soldiers and merited persons invited to this square of celebration,
Esteemed Pyongyang citizens,
Dear comrades,
Today we are holding a grand military parade in celebration of an anniversary, significant and glorious for our great Party, state and people.
At this moment overflowing with the glory of the long history of our army building, we are all here filled with a great pride in having the armed forces that firmly defend the Party, the revolution, the country and the people and reliably guarantee peace and stability.
Seeing the dependable elite units massed in this Kim Il Sung Square with their victorious colours and feeling, through them, the level of the modern character of the armed forces of our Republic, all the people across the country will realize once again the profound and great significance the birth of their country’s first genuine armed forces 90 years ago had in the history of our revolution and nation and will have in the future development of our state and people.
朝鲜人民革命军的建立,是在民族解放、自力独立的旗帜下宣布反帝决死抗战的全民族性壮举,同时,是依靠强有力的革命武装力量开创主体革命新时代的历史性事件。 The founding of the Korean People’s Revolutionary Army was an event of national significance that declared a death-defying resistance against imperialism under the unfurled banner of winning national liberation and independence by our own efforts, as well as a historic event that ushered in a new era of the Juche revolution that relies on powerful revolutionary armed forces.
这一事件的重大意义不仅仅在于历史风云中遭受侵凌的人民拥有了自己的民族军队,开始有了中兴的希望,更是在于向国内外宣布了朝鲜革命者誓与侵犯我们民族尊严与主权的敌人抗战到底的坚定的反帝革命思想、依靠主体力量一定实现人民的自由与解放以及革命胜利的不屈不挠的意志。 The major meaning of this event is not confined only to the fact that our people, who were forced to live a pitiable life in the turmoil of history, could have their own national army and the hope of their revival; it also lies in the fact that the event declared at home and abroad the steadfast idea of anti-imperialist revolution of the Korean revolutionaries to settle accounts to the end and by force of arms with those who infringed upon the dignity and sovereignty of our nation and their unyielding will to win the people’s freedom and liberation and the revolution’s victory without fail by the internal forces.
历史如实地证明了朝鲜革命者为开拓我国人民的命运与未来而做出的这一抉择和他们的意志是非常正确的。 History has clearly proved that this determination and will the Korean revolutionaries opted for to carve out the destiny and future of their people was absolutely correct.
朝鲜人民的优秀儿女在白头山密林里举起革命武器,那是朝鲜民族独立精神和希望的表现,是伟大团结的旗帜,也是给沾满泪痕的朝鲜人的拳头增添自尊气概与坚强力量的原动力。 The revolutionary weapons the fine sons and daughters of our people held aloft in the forests of Paektu were an expression of the soaring spirit of independence of the Korean nation, their hope and the great banner of their unity, as well as the force that loaded the mettle of self-dependence and Herculean strength in the tear-stained fists of the Korean people.
就在这支武装队伍里酝酿成熟了朝鲜革命的远大构想,造就了战胜帝国主义暴力的不折不挠精神与钢铁力量,奠定了在我国革命发展中具有根本意义和长远意义的伟大传统。 Thanks to these armed ranks, a far-reaching plan of the Korean revolution was matured, the unyielding spirit and formidable strength with which to prevail over the imperialist tyranny were nurtured, and the great traditions, basic and everlasting in the development of our revolution, were created.
从建军初期就具有并传承至今的那一思想、信念与传统成为了我们的革命武装力量的精神力之根底、百战百胜的保证。我们的革命武装力量站在空前激烈的反帝对抗战与阶级斗争的前线,在发生变化的历史环境中牢记自己固有的革命性、阶级性与使命,为保卫党和革命、捍卫领土与人民而发扬不朽的英勇精神和牺牲精神。 The ideology, faith and traditions, which our revolutionary army cherished and succeeded from the outset of its founding, constituted the basis of the spiritual strength and ever-victorious guarantee that made it possible to display an undying heroic and self-sacrificing spirit in defending the Party, the revolution, the territory and the people in the fiercest-ever anti-imperialist confrontation, in the first line of grim class struggle and in the ever-changing circumstances of history, mindful of its intrinsic revolutionary and class nature and mission.
我们的军队开展艰苦卓绝的浴血斗争,完成了祖国解放、民族复兴的伟大事业;发扬大无畏的英勇精神,击退以美国为首的帝国主义联合势力武装侵略,光荣地捍卫了祖国的主权、尊严与安宁;在社会主义革命和建设的整个历史期间,以高洁的牺牲精神保卫自己的执政党、政权、领土与人民,建树百战百胜的伟绩。我们党和我国人民为拥有如此英勇、刚强而忠心耿耿的军队感到无上光荣和骄傲。 This army achieved the great cause of the country’s liberation and nation’s revival through an unprecedented bloody struggle, repulsed the armed aggression by the US-led allied imperialist forces and defended with honour the sovereignty, dignity and safety of the country with an unrivalled heroic spirit; it has recorded ever-victorious feats while defending the ruling Party, the government, the territory and the people throughout the historical course of the socialist revolution and construction with an ennobling self-sacrificing spirit. Our Party and people regard it as a source of their greatest honour and pride to have such a brave, steely and loyal army.
我们决不能忘记我们疆土上的所有胜利果实、所有成就里都凝聚着我们革命军队所立下的首功。 All our priceless gains, plus everything else on this land, are associated, first of all, with the services of our revolutionary army. This we should keep in mind.
Not only as the main force for national defence but also as a powerful force for national development, our revolutionary army, true to the Party’s intentions, has always made devoted efforts to carry out the ambitious revolutionary undertakings aimed at attaining lofty ideals. By doing so, it has performed such great exploits, which no others could do, in creating a new history of socialist construction and enhancing the dignity and honour of our great state.
过去90年来,我们的革命武装力量把忠于自己的党、政权和人民的精神视为第一生命、最高荣誉,誓死保卫朝鲜革命的血统,坚决拥护朝鲜劳动党的思想和伟业,可靠保证我们国家的存立、发展以及人民的幸福。 Regarding it as its lifeblood and top honour to be faithful to the Party, the government and the people, our revolutionary army has kept the lineage of the Korean revolution safe and sound and defended the ideology and cause of the Workers’ Party of Korea resolutely, and reliably guaranteed the existence and development of our state and the welfare of our people.
由于有了这一不可磨灭的丰功伟绩,长达一个世纪的朝鲜革命历史以胜利和光荣发光生辉。 Thanks to these exploits of lasting value it has performed over the past 90 years, the annals of the Korean revolution spanning a century are resplendent with victory and glory.
我们永远都不会忘记:在艰苦卓绝的各个革命年代,伟大的武装力量始终站在前头开辟了进军道路;我们共和国光荣而豪迈的胜利历史是以革命军队高洁的血汗和牺牲为代价谱写的。 We will remember for all ages that our great armed forces have always opened up the way for advance in the vanguard at each of the difficult revolutionary stages and that the glorious and worthwhile victories of our Republic have been won at the cost of the priceless blood and sweat our revolutionary army shed and the noble self-sacrifice it made.
现在要在这一胜利的阅兵式广场上阔步前进的共和国武装力量的精锐部队官兵们,还有此时此刻也在祖国的陆海空哨所以及社会主义建设各大战区建立殊勋的所有官兵都是我国武装力量光荣历史的当之无愧、引以自豪的继承者和体现者。 The glorious history of our armed forces is embodied in the proud and honourable successors, that is, the officers and men from the elite units of the Republic’s armed forces, who will march in fine array across this square of victors, and all other soldiers standing guard at the air, ground and naval posts and performing feats of labour at sites of grand socialist construction throughout the country.
借此意义深远的机会,我代表我们党和政府向为了祖国的自主独立和人民解放,为了革命武装力量的加强和发展,为了社会主义事业的胜利前进付出宝贵生命的抗日革命先烈和人民军烈士致以崇高敬意,并且向接好革命先烈的班,走着伟大继承之路的朝鲜人民军和共和国武装力量的全体官兵表示热烈祝贺。 Availing myself of this meaningful opportunity, I, on behalf of our Party and government, would like to pay noble tribute to the anti-Japanese revolutionary forerunners and martyrs of the People’s Army, who dedicated their precious lives in the struggle for national sovereignty and independence and the people’s liberation, for the build-up of the revolutionary armed forces and for the victorious advance of the socialist cause. I also offer hearty congratulations to all the officers and men of the Korean People’s Army and all other members of the armed forces of our Republic, who are making a great journey of faithful succession to their revolutionary forerunners.
与此同时,我还要向把心爱的丈夫和儿女送到卫国前线的所有家庭表示由衷的感谢。 In addition, I would like to offer heartfelt thanks to all the families on this land, which have had their dear husbands and children stand at the forefront of national defence.
The glorious 90-year journey our revolutionary armed forces have made safeguarding the prosperity and development of the country by force of arms, should be continued for another hundred, nay a thousand years.
在接下来的年代里,我们要继续彰显强军的盛誉,以跟过去90年无法比拟的飞快速度变得更强大。 In the era we are living in now, we should continue to exalt the glory of the powerful army and change to be more powerful at a fast speed incomparable with the past 90 years.
在实力对抗激烈的当今世界,国家的尊严和权力以及可靠而真正的和平是由胜过任何敌人的强有力的自卫力量提供保证的。 In the present world where different forces collide fiercely with one another, a nation’s dignity and sovereignty and reliable genuine peace are guaranteed by powerful defence capability that can overpower any enemy.
我们要不断地强起来。 We should continuously grow stronger.
培养保卫自己的力量,不能有满足和终止。不管跟谁对抗,我们必须确保军事强势。 There is no satisfaction or accomplishment in cultivating strength for defending ourselves, and, whoever we confront, our military supremacy should be more secure.
 这是革命的要求,子孙万代的未来也取决于此。 The revolution demands this, and the future of all the generations to come depends upon this.
我们的革命武装力量建设总路线是把人民军造就成为百战百胜的军队。 Our general line of building the revolutionary armed forces is to make the People’s Army an ever-victorious army.
百战百胜的军队,这应该是我们人民军永恒的名称和我国革命武装力量的宝贵声誉。 An ever-victorious army-this must be the eternal name of our People’s Army and shine as a priceless honour belonging only to our revolutionary armed forces.
人民军要狠抓我们党的军队建设方向和总路线,大力开创革命武装力量发展的新阶段。 The People’s Army should hold fast to our Party’s orientation and general line of army building and dynamically open up a new phase of its development.
为此,要把实现政治思想强军化和军事技术强军化定为核心目标,着力加强我国武装力量,使之成为绝对拥护朝鲜劳动党的领导并无限忠于自己革命事业的思想与信念的强军、具有立即应对任何战争和危机的勇气和能力以及自信的最精锐强军。 To do so, it should define it as the core target to strengthen itself politically and ideologically and make itself strong in military technology, and give a stronger impetus to consolidating itself into an army, strong in ideology and faith, which is absolutely loyal to the leadership of the Workers’ Party of Korea and boundlessly faithful to its revolutionary cause and into an elite force possessed of courage, capability and self-confidence for responding to any type of war and crisis without any hesitation.
政治思想强军化是我们军队建设的核心,是第一大战略任务。 Strengthening it politically and ideologically is the main aspect and first strategic task of our building of the army.
我们的革命军队要作为党和人民的军队、阶级的军队完成好自己的使命,并且要灵活地应对任何形式的战争和危机。在这一方面重要的是军队做好政治思想准备,武装力量的主体——军人群众做好思想精神准备。 The political and ideological preparedness of the army and the ideological and spiritual preparedness of the masses of the soldiers, the motive force of the armed forces, are basic in the effort to make our revolutionary army fulfil its mission as the army of the Party, people and class and actively respond to any type of war and crisis.
我们今后要在军队里进一步培养坚定的革命精神和阶级意识,这在加强我国军队的战斗力和国防力量方面起到决定性作用。 The staunch revolutionary spirit and class awareness of the army we have to further cultivate in the future will play a decisive role in building up the fighting efficiency of our army and defence capabilities of the nation.
革命者一代一代地接替,我们要与日益凶残的帝国主义进行长期的对抗。我国革命的这一特殊性要求我们坚定不移地承接源于白头山的伟大的革命思想和精神的接力棒,以此作为军队建设和反帝斗争中迫切的战略任务。只有把它当作军队建设的核心来狠抓,我国革命武装力量才能坚定地保持和加强质量上的优势。 The unique character of our revolution is that one generation of the revolution is continually replaced by another and we have to face for a long period of time the imperialists who grow ever more ferocious with each passing day. This presents it as a crucial strategic task of army building and anti-imperialist struggle to stoutly carry on the baton of the great revolutionary ideology and spirit which originated in Paektu. When we carry out this task as the core in army building, we will surely be able to maintain and consolidate the qualitative supremacy of our revolutionary armed forces.
人民军的所有党组织和政治机关要继续燃起思想革命烈火,竭尽全力培养军人的革命思想和精神力量。 All the Party organizations and political bodies of the People’s Army should continue to stoke up the flames of the ideological revolution and focus their all-out effort on cultivating the revolutionary ideology and spiritual strength of the soldier masses.
要把建设思想与信念的强军作为最首要的任务,培养所有官兵成为思想的近卫兵,让他们按照党中央的革命思想和意志去战斗,彻底体现阶级觉悟和不屈不挠的战斗精神,丝毫不差地百发百中党中央所指定的靶心。 Regarding it as our top-priority task to develop the People’s Army into an army strong in ideology and faith, we should prepare all the service personnel to be ideological guardsmen who fight only in line with the revolutionary ideology and will of the Party Central Committee, who cherish staunch class awareness and indomitable fighting spirit as part of their mental qualities, and who never allow a single misfire or an inch of deviation from the centre of the target designated by the Party Central Committee.
其次,要大力推进军事技术强军化,以大大提高人民军的战斗力。 We should also strongly push ahead with building it up into an army strong in military technology with a view to radically improving its fighting efficiency.
世界军事力量的发展趋势和急速变化的现代战争模式要求我们军队加快军事技术现代化进程。 The global trend of military development and rapidly-changing style of warfare at present demand that we modernize our army at a faster rate in terms of military technology.
要高举军队现代化的标语,全力以赴地把人民军加强和发展成为具有高新军事技术的强军。 Holding aloft the slogan of modernizing the army, we should strive to the utmost to develop our People’s Army into a powerful army equipped with highly advanced military technology.
要推动军事人才培养体系的现代化,大量培养出机智灵活地指挥各军种、兵种部队的全能指挥员;提高作战战斗训练的现代化水平,以使全军的所有部队和区分队圆满完成任何战斗任务。 By pressing ahead with the modernization of the military talents training system, we should bring up a larger number of officers who are fully capable of commanding units of different arms and services at all levels. And we should make all the units and sub-units of the army fully ready to carry out any combat missions by modernizing their operation and combat training.
国防科学部门和军事工业部门要继续研发和实战部署新一代尖端武器装备,以不断提高人民军的军事震慑力。 The sectors of defence science and munitions industry should continue to develop and deploy for actual combat cutting-edge military hardware of new generations so as to ceaselessly increase the military power of the People’s Army.
尤其是,从质量和数量上加强我们国力的象征、我国军事力量的核心——核武力,以便在任何战争状况下根据各种作战目的和任务以各种手段发挥核战斗能力。 In particular, the nuclear forces, the symbol of our national strength and the core of our military power, should be strengthened in terms of both quality and scale, so that they can perform nuclear combat capabilities in any situations of warfare, according to purposes and missions of different operations and by various means.
当前局势催促我们为持久确保共和国武装力量的现代性和军事技术强势采取更为积极的措施。 The prevailing situation demands that more proactive measures be taken to provide a firm and sustained guarantee for the modern character and military technological supremacy of our Republic’s armed forces.
为应对剧变的政治军事形势和将会面临的各种危机,我们坚持不懈地建设自卫性的、现代化的武装力量。我们要更快、更坚定地走这一条路,尤其是继续采取以最快的速度增强和发展我国核武力的措施。 To cope with the rapidly-changing political and military situations and all the possible crises of the future, we will advance faster and more dynamically along the road of building up the self-defensive and modern armed forces, which we have followed unwaveringly, and, especially, will continue to take measures for further developing the nuclear forces of our state at the fastest possible speed.
我国核武力的基本使命是遏制战争,但如果在我们国土上发生我们不愿意看到的情况,那么,我国核力量的使命不能仅仅局限于防止战争。 The fundamental mission of our nuclear forces is to deter a war, but our nukes can never be confined to the single mission of war deterrent even at a time when a situation we are not desirous of at all is created on this land.
万一任何势力侵犯我们国家的根本利益,那么,我们的核武力不得不义无反顾地履行自己的第二个使命。 If any forces try to violate the fundamental interests of our state, our nuclear forces will have to decisively accomplish its unexpected second mission.
共和国核武力要时刻做好一切准备,以随时完成自己责任重大的使命,动用特有的遏制力。 The nuclear forces of our Republic should be fully prepared to fulfil their responsible mission and put their unique deterrent in motion at any time.
Comrades, officers and men of the People’s Army,
Our armed forces are now fully prepared for any type of war.
以英勇的朝鲜人民军为核心的朝鲜民主主义人民共和国全体武装力量要始终坚定自己事业必胜的信念,信心百倍地面对一切挑战、迎头痛击;要忠实履行捍卫人民的安宁、尊严与幸福的神圣使命,保持天下无敌的军事强势,可靠地保证我国社会主义发展。 All the armed forces of the DPRK, with the heroic Korean People’s Army as their core, should always firmly believe in their cause, march forward valiantly against all challenges filled with confidence, remain faithful to their sacred mission of defending the safety, dignity and happiness of the people, and securely guarantee the development of our socialism by maintaining their invincible military supremacy.
All the officers and men of the armed forces of the Republic,
As long as your hearts are pulsating with the precious blood and noble spirit of the revolutionary forerunners and as long as the revolutionary armed forces are always standing at the vanguard of the revolution as the embodiment of the ideology and will of the Workers’ Party of Korea and of the strength of our state and people, the cause of socialism of our own style will be ever-victorious in the future, too.
Commanding officers and men of the KPA and all other armed forces of the DPRK,
For the safety and happiness of our great people,
For the eternal glory and victory of our great state,
Let us fight vigorously.
Long live our great revolutionary armed forces!
Long live our great country, the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea!



Xi Jinping’s “Resisting U.S., aiding Korea” speech (1) Nov 2, 2020
Xi Jinping: “A mighty and majestic War” (2) Nov 4, 2020
Xi Jinping: “Pave a bloody road” Dec 14, 2020
Xi Jinping: “Gasps of admiration” Dec 26, 2020
Wednesday, April 20, 2022

You Sikun: Russian-Ukrainian War a “Great Revelation”

The following is a translation of a speech given by Taiwan’s Legislative Yuan’s Speaker You Si-kun (游錫堃) on Tuesday, opening the national-day preparatory committee. “National day” refers to Taiwan’s double-ten celebrations.
Main link: National Day preparatory committee established – You Si-kun: strengthen the concept of Taiwan consciousness (國慶籌備會成立 游錫堃:強化台灣主體意識概念發想)

UDN coverage, April 19

UDN coverage, April 19

Legislative Yuan Speaker You Si-kun chaired the national-day celebrations peparatory committee’s opening session this morning. He said that the Russo-Ukrainian war is a great revelation for people worldwide and in Taiwan. This year, the general meeting office and the fireworks office1) are asked to actively plan and strengthen Taiwanese subject consciousness2) and cohesion as well as the will of the people to protect the land.


[The following paragraph is about technicalities concerning SARS-COVID prevention – left out here]

You Si-kun said that under last year’s rising changes and challenges, the national-day celebrations, besides improving preventive measures against the pandemic, also carved out high-quality celabratory activities. In addition to inviting the heros of the Olympics and Paralympics, those fighting the pandemic, those who defended Taiwan and stabilized society, were part of a heros’ motorcade to be cheered and thanked by people all over the country for their efforts and hard work for Taiwan.


This was combined with work for the overseas compatriots, with the Overseas Community Affairs Council taking overseas compatriots to the national day evening banquets and the national-day gathering in front of the presidential palace. They saw the atmosphere of the Kaohsiung fireworks and the exciting events they brought for the Taiwanese. All celebration activities brought the crowds to many places, improving tourism revenues and earning public praise.


You Si-kun said that the Russo-Ukrainian war is a great revelation for people worldwide and in Taiwan. This year, the general meeting office and the fireworks office1) are asked to actively plan and strengthen Taiwanese subject consciousness2) and cohesion as well as the will of the people to protect the land. This year’s national day holiday will be three days, from October 8 to October 10. He believed that the people would certainly the national-day events, hoped that everyone would have fun with combined education and entertainment, and that [the national day celebrations] would be activities with ample vitality, cohesion and consensus-building, and participation.




1) 大會處及焰火處, the genereal meeting office and the fireworks office, both of them offices under the preparatory committee
2) Subject conciousness may not be the perfect equivalent – sociologists would be in a better position than I to judge -, but I found this term in a paper about Korean self-awareness-building, too
Monday, April 18, 2022

Cute Pandas and Lovely Tanks – CRI and CGTN cover Russia’s War in Ukraine

CRI Russian / CGTN Russian war coverage

How is our motherland doing, comrades?
CRI Russian / CGTN Russian war coverage

I don’t speak Russian, but it seems that China Radio International’s (CRI) coverage leaves nothing to be desired when you want to be kept up to date with your country’s war in Ukraine (without too much disturbing news, I suppose). The first 25 minutes of CRI’s Russian program at 17:00 UTC on Sunday were all about Donbas, with a CGTN correspondent reporting from there.

CRI might have dispatched its own correspondents a few years ago, when the station was actually an organization in its own right, and quite a fiefdom at that. CRI’s then director, Wang Gengnian, even delivered his own annual new-year address.

Some adjustments for synergy were called for, and the central committee delivered, early in 2018, by amalgamating CRI, CPBS (domestic radio) and television into a “Central Radio and Television Network” (中央广播电视总台).   Some three years later, many CRI language broadcasts on shortwave were replaced by mere music loops or endless repetitions of always-the-same cultural programs.

Taiwan’s government appeared to have similar plans for Radio Taiwan International (RTI) – not to take them off the airwaves, but to create an tri-medial organization, integrating RTI, Taiwan’s national newsagency CNA, and public television. Instead, RTI got a new director-general, and its Spanish, French and Korean services returned to shortwave from a mere online existence.

Now, questions are occasionally asked which plan for RTI was better – the one devised in 2018 or the one actually implemented in 2019 and onward. In my view, starting an international television channel on the one hand as is done with “Taiwan+” and keeping RTI as a station focused on audiences in different languages looks like a comparatively wise choice.

For one, RTI might provide a pool of foreign-language speakers for television if need be. Also, if I go by my own fondness for radio, “Taiwan+” isn’t for me, and never will be. In fact, it’s nice to be spoken to in my first language by RTI’s German department.

But above all, developments at Radio Japan and CRI aren’t looking really promising. At Radio Japan, English is only broadcast on shortwave three times a day, and as for the news, that’s only a soundtrack from NHK’s global  English-language television channel. (You won’t even know who’s speaking at times, because obviously, you are missing out on the subtitles.) And while I don’t know what they are talking about in Russian on China’s foreign media, I seem to notice that there is a similar problem with the CGTN correspondent’s contributions that are also used by CRI, i. e. by “Central Radio and Television Network” foreign-radio channel. The correspondent, Kirill Volkov, seems to interview a number of people for his video productions, but as a listener, you can only guess who he is talking to.

It is easy to think that CRI’s German service has lost some of its (not too numerous anyway) German listeners after leaving shortwave, along with many other CRI language services. The German editorial department’s current trimedial attempts at agitating their listeners in China’s favor may be good for a laugh every now and then, but contrary to CRI’s radio productions in the past, these days’ online content is useless.


“Some US politicians behave more and more like
dirty swines!” -CRI German’s
“sharp commentary” online, January 2022

In that regard, one has to wonder why RTI has recently been busy with grandstanding of this kind. Reportedly, what really happened is that the same half-hour Russian program in Russian already in existence for Europe has been rebroadcast for an additional 30-minutes time slot on another frequency.

Stunts like the above seem to suggest that RTI’s directors are worried that the government might cut RTI’s budget.

That shouldn’t happen. If Taiwan’s government wants to raise its country’s “international visibility”, it can’t do without RTI, and it can’t do without shortwave. At least, Taipei better wait how “Taiwan+” develops before making cuts to the foreign-radio budget.

Friday, April 8, 2022

SARS-Covid Outbreak: a Meeting with Experts and Entrepreneurs

While the Shanghai lockdown (which must not be called a lockdown) continued, China’s state council held a meeting “with experts and entrepreneurs” on Thursday, to “analyse economic conditions and hear ideas and suggestions about the next steps”, Xinhua news agency reported on Friday. Li Keqiang chaired the meeting in his capacities as member of the CPC politburo standing committee and as chief state councillor.

Main Link

Also attending were people representing China Railway Materials and Qingdao AInnovation  Technology company, stating their opinions about economic operation, company situations etc., and making suggestions about safeguarding logistics and rural capital provisions, and about promoting entrepreneurial innovation.

Mentioned as participants were deputy chief state councillor Han Zheng, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences researcher Yang Zhiyong, Bank of China researcher Guan Tao, and, as party of state officials, Hu Chunhua (politburo member and deputy chief state councillor), Liu He (same functions as Hu), Wang Yong (former SASAC chairman, now a member of the state council in charge of issues faced by small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), Xiao Jie (member of the state council and Secretary General of the State Council), Zhao Kezhi (Party Committee Secretary of the Ministry of Public Security and heading the ministry as member of the state council), and He Lifeng (member of the state council in charge of the National Development and Reform Commission, NDRC).

Xinwen Lianbo, April 8, 2022, evening broadcast

Xinwen Lianbo, April 8, 2022, evening broadcast

You can probably imagine the importance of Zhao Kezhi’s attendance in the context of the meeting’s hardly-mentioned real topic – but it makes sense to take note of every participant mentioned in communiqués like this one by Xinhua. Their tasks may speak greater volumes than the description of the agenda.

It needs to be said that the article doesn’t exactly emphasize China’s current SARS-Covid outbreak – it is only “casually” mentioned, as one of a number of suddenly emerging factors in international and domestic environment that are confronting the economy with greater uncertainties and challenges.

The obligatory reference to Comrade Xi Jinping is made at the beginning,  although it is technically meaningless. It may, however, indicate the limits of what participants may describe or suggest during such a meeting, and also, you have to mention Xi anyway. With reference to the “sudden domestic Covid outbreak situation” (国内疫情近期多发), a need both  to keep up the faith and to face up to the difficulties is emphasized. More generally, “high-quality development” is restated, and so is a need to deepen reform and individual initiative, and “a flexibility in accepting the challenges” (应变克难). Focus is also given to stable growth, stable employment and stable prices (稳就业, 稳物价).

Li pointed out problems faced particularly by SMEs and self-employed workers & business people. Help and support them pass through the crisis is mentioned, some concrete measures too, but without detailed outlines. Concrete measures are an utmost pace by which to handle VAT rebates, and to make funds arrive at the accounts of those in need.

The primary sector is required to provide ample harvests (farming) and advanced coal production capacities (energy), and “marketization, rule of law and internationalization” are also given a mention.

The meeting ranked fourth as a news item in China’s main evening news broadcast of Xinwen Lianbo” today, after an “important speech” given by Xi Jinping at the end of the Paralympics, a reference to an editorial about the “spirit of the Beijing Olympics”, and news about a telephone conversation between Xi Jinping and the president of the Philippines.