Archive for October 20th, 2009

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

FEER: How Beijing Undermines Democracy Abroad

Abroad, and in Hong Kong, one might add. The Far Eastern Economic Review (FEER) published an article by Christopher Walker and Sarah Cook on October 12. They refer to the Frankfurt Bookfair as the most current example of Beijing’s export of censorship, and take a global tour of other similar cases.

It’s valid criticism – both of Beijing’s policies, and of compliant  attitudes in the free world. The most important point they make is at the end of their article:

The community of democratic states must acknowledge the Chinese government’s growing media ambitions and efforts to censor beyond its borders. Acquiescence in this challenge will only embolden the Chinese authorities.

It’s right to do business with China. But it’s wrong to do seek business with China at all costs. Opportunism only pays for the short term.

Thanks to C.A. Yeung for pointing to the  FEER story.


Related: Will CCTV and Xinhua shape China’s Global Image, February 8, 2009