How Logical, Mr. Palmer!

When business is going fine, CCP cadres are partners. When it’s going less well, they are mongrels [who] shoot their own people.

4 Responses to “How Logical, Mr. Palmer!”

  1. Dear Dear JR. Surprised you wasted key board energy on this one.

    As soon as I have installed my solar lighting tomorrow, I will provide a very detailed response on the Clive Daily Show, and it will be an exclusive for your site.



  2. Well, it certainly does look interesting to me – in the way the official Chinese evening news interests me, even if Chinese friends urge me to switch to local or regional news which would be more interesting – in their view. Foreign eyes see things differently.

    Looking forward to your detailed response!


  3. Thanks JR. Still scribbling on this one which was simply too long for your comments box.



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