Archive for May 3rd, 2012

Thursday, May 3, 2012

“None of my Business – I will Endure” – Readers’ Comments on Shan Renping’s Chen Guangcheng Editorial

Shan Renping‘s article here.

Some of the latest comments (probably continuously censored, and there are no permalinks):

You’d better issue fewer of these articles! Otherwise, you will be submerged in a flood of indignation!! (这些文章今后还是少发!不然会被叫骂声淹没!!)

When it is your fate to choose between rape and gang rape, how will you choose? (当你的命运注定要在被强奸和被轮奸之中选择的话,那么你的答案是什么?)

The family-planning issue probably exists in reality. I’m from Rizhao, Juxian, which formerly belonged to Linyi County [corretion: City]. You can also have a look at Zhaoxian Town in Rizhao. There are no residential areas here, except for a housing district of the family-planning office. Some of the area consists of police stations, who help the family-planning office to take people into custody.  The family-planning office will take relatives of pregnant women with more than one child, or unplanned pregnancies, to a village here called Xiao Pu, to lock them up there and to attend classes. (事件中的计生问题应该是真的,我是日照莒县的,原先属于临沂。你可也去我们莒县招贤镇看看。我们镇没有什么住宅小区,除了一个是计生办的住宅小区。计生办小区有一部分是派出所的,因为派出所的帮助计生办的抓人。计生办会把超生或计划外怀孕的亲戚抓到我们一个叫小铺的村关起来,美其名曰学习班—)

That’s none of my business. I will take care of my own business, and endure. (不关我我的事,关我的事时我忍).

Provide more news that reveal negative aspects about America – that will be believable and cause no disgust, because China is also powerful!!! (多多揭露美国的负面新闻, 现在报道都会相信的不反感, 因为中国也强大了!!!)

Great writing style! (文笔不错嘛!)

Is there not a single person on this globe who would oppose America??? (全世界, 没有一个人反对美国???)

“Huanqiu Shibao [the paper which published Shan’s article] is truthful” (环球真实。), writes one commenter, somewhere in between, and “五毛拿好” (take your fifty cents) writes another.

Links within blockquote added during translation.



When the Heavens won’t Respond, Nov 11, 2011


Thursday, May 3, 2012

Huanqiu Shibao on Chen Guangcheng: “The Rise of China is the World’s Rich and Colorful Stage”

In an article of May 3, 10:22 local time, Shan Renping (单仁平) of Huanqiu Shibao (“Global Times”) describes Chen Guangcheng as a man who seemed to like his “policial super-role” (超级角色) very much. “Some Western forces” had taken “unusual ways of interfering, and Western public opinion and “some Chinese activists on the internet” had turned Chen into a human-rights brand. In fact, however, ordinary people had to cooperate with the big political powers who made their [own] arrangements.

Chen’s supporters had had a much clearer picture of that than Chen himself, and had hyped his case from an individual grassroot issue into a “microcosm” [literally: miniature, 缩影] of China as a country.

Some Western forces and their supporters in China will always need tools to struggle with China’s current political system, and “luck” and “disaster” become the matter of those who serve as tools. Everything can be distorted and labeled. Such a tool will not be lonely and may enjoy other benefits, too. Of course, if they go too far, they will pay the price.

Chen was just a very small case on Chinese society’s road ahead, and wouldn’t hurt stability in China, or the Chinese cause of human rights to develop further in a normal way. If they should experience “such a matter” again, China’s officials could be absolutely somewhat more at ease (以后遇到这样的事,中国官方完全可以更坦然些). “Some groups on the microblogs” who “warmed themselves at the fire” were on the fringe and did not represent the attitude of Chinese society.

Western public opinion was often looking for a crop in China, to inflate and exaggerate things. Chen Guangcheng and his supporters on the one hand, and Western public opinion, had benefitted each other this time, to blacken China’s ways.

Shan Renping advises the U.S. embassy to work “in accordance with its functions”, to distance itself from inappropriate activities, and to focus on garnering positive feelings among Chinese mainstream society, rather than act as a support for Chinese extremists.

Can the Chen Guangcheng case subside now? Hopefully. But there are some people inside and outside China who don’t want that. In that case, we will see some more quixotic pipedreams. The rise of China is also the world’s rich and colorful stage.



» None of my Business – Readers’ comments, May 3, 2012
