Posts tagged ‘competition’

Saturday, August 26, 2023

Upgrades, common prosperity and “no ‘welfarism'” – Xi’s 2021 talk on financial and economic affairs

“Qiushi” published excerpts in October 2021, from a talk given by Xi Jinping about two months earlier, on August 17, 2021 at the Central Financial and Economic Affairs Commission‘s 10th meeting. Xi touched upon “welfarism” (福利主义), “involution” (内卷) and “lying flat” (躺平). His talk may not describe the current outcomes of the CPC’s recent economic policies well, but it  might say a few things about their intended effects.

“The party recognized that poverty isn’t socialism”, Xinwen Lianbo, 2021
I’ve only translated the first paragraphs of the article. Follow the main link underneath to read more there, or buy yourself a personality-cult-book at Xinhua’s webstore.

Main Link:    “Firmly promote common prosperity” (扎实推动共同富裕)

We are now forging ahead towards the second centenary goal of struggle. To find answers to the changing main contradictions in our society and to satisfiy the growing demand of the people to a good life, promotion of the entire people’s prosperity, as a focus of the people’s happiness, must be laid as a foundation of the party’s long-term government. High-quality development requires high-quality workers. Only by promotion of common prosperity, only by increasing incomes of the inhabitants of the cities and the countryside, upgrades to human resources, the essential overall productivity can be improved and a foundation of motive power for high-quality development be laid.
At the same time, there needs to be an awareness that there are still prominent imbalances in our country’s development, that development and income allocation between cities and the countryside continue to show rather big differences. A new round of technolgical revolution and industrial revolution have invigorated economic development, but also with deep influence on gaps in employment and income allocation, including some negative influences that need to be reacted to and that need to be solved.
Common prosperity is an essential requirement of socialism and an important characteristic of socialism with Chinese characteristics. The common prosperity we are talking about is the entire people’s prosperity, a rich quality of the material and spiritual life of the masses, not the prosperity of a minority nor uniformly-arranged egalitarianism.
We must study the different stages of our goals deeply, and divide the promotion of common prosperity into different stages: With the end of the “14th Five-Year Plan”, initial solid steps towards the entire people’s common prosperity will have been made, differences between people’s incomes and actual consumption levels will have been gradually reduced. By 2035, the entire people’s common prosperity will have achieved even more obvious substantial headway, and basic public services will have achieved levelled performances. By the middle of the century, the entire people’s common prosperity will have been basically achieved, and the differences between incomes and actual consumption levels be reduced to a reasonable size. It is urgently necessary to define the promotion of common prosperity’s operational outline and to issue scientific and feasible assessment criteria in correspondence with our national conditions.
To promote common prosperity, we must grasp the following principles well.
Encouragement of hard work and innovation to become rich. A happy life comes from struggle, and the building of common prosperity must rely on hard work and knowledge. We must persist in safeguarding and improving the people’s livelihood during development, put the promotion of high-quality development first. To improve people’s levels of education, we must increase universally fairer conditions for the development of abilities, raise the entire society’s human capital and professional skills, raise abilities to work and and to create, and the ability to become rich. We must avoid the solidification of social stratification, open channels for upward mobility, create opportunities for more people to become rich, shape an environment of participation to avoid “involution” and “lying flat”.
We must maintain the fundamental economic system.*) We must base ourselves on the early stage of socialism and maintain the “two unvaverings”. We must insist on joint development of public ownership as the main part and diverse-ownership economy, resolutely bring the public-ownership economy into play as the important factor to promote common prosperity, develop a healthy non-public-ownership economy at the same time, and the healthy growth of people of the non-public-ownership economy. We must allow some of the people to become rich first and at the same time emphasize that early prosperity carries following prosperity with it and helps following prosperity. The emphasis must be on the encouragement of people leading [on the road of becoming rich] who work hard, respect the law and dare to found entrerprises. dishonest means of becoming rich must not be advocated, and offenses against the law and regulations must be dealt with in accordance with the law.
Act to the best of your abilities. We must establish a scientific public policy system, divide the cade well, with a pattern by which everyone can hae his appropriate share. It will take greater efforts and more solid measures to give the masses a sense of achievement. At the same time, we must see that there is still a great gap between our country’s level of development and developed countries. Needs and potentialities must match with each other, guarantees and improvements of people’s livelihood must be built on sustainable economic and financial foundations. Don’t be overambitious, rein in your appetite, and don’t make promises that you can’t redeem. The government can’t take charge of everything. the emphasis has to be on strengthening the basic, generally beneficial and observant protection of the people’s livelihood. Even when the future level of development is higher and financial strength more solid, goals mustn’t be set too high, no exaggerated guarantees be given, and falling into the “welfarism” trap and raising idle people must be resolutely avoided.




*)    Referring to China’s fundamental economic system as seen by the CPC, i. e. its rules for ownership of means of production



Preaching water, living in France, Jan 14, 2015
“What else is there to say”, “Global Voices”, Febr 17, 2009

Monday, August 14, 2023

July Review: “Economy against the Wall, in a Cheap New Car”

“China is haunted by a secter”, Radio Austria’s China correspondent reported on July 11, “the specter of deflation”. The car market served as an example, with prices going down by the week, with inflation at zero percent, and producers’ prices at minus five percent. Price expectations that postpone purchases because cars will be cheaper one week later, and still cheaper two weeks later, put the breaks on demand, which makes profits drop, which makes wages drop, which makes demand drop further: “a downward spiral”, the correspondent explained. Add China’s family’s reduced savings (because of the pandemic), youth unemployment, interest rate cuts that don’t work anymore, and a general feeling of pessimism among the population. Investment by the state, on tick if need be, looked like the last resort.

You can see the state’s perplexity from the car market: China subsidizes the purchase of electric vehicles, thus contributing to the falling prices. The car manufacturers, on the other hand, have been told to stop their discount battle, but with little avail so far. Still, the subsidies continue, as if China wanted to drive its economy into the wall, in a cheap new car.

Die Ratlosigkeit des Staates kann man am Automarkt gut erkennen: China subventioniert den Kauf von Elektroautos und trägt damit zum Preisverfall bei. Die Autohersteller wurden hingegen zu einem Ende der Rabattschlacht gezwungen, bisher aber mit wenig Erfolg. Die staatlichen Subventionen laufen aber weiter. Es sieht fast so aus, als ob China seine Wirtschaft im billigen Neuwagen gegen die Wand fährt.

It’s all about dollars, CCTV coverage, July 4, 2023

As the promise of rising prosperity loses some of its luster, repression has to take its place: the spy that reported you may well be your neighbor, your wife, or your own child. The espionage law, in its second article, points out that

Anti-espionage work insists on the party central committee’s centralized and unified leadership, the overall concept of national security, joint open and secret work, the combination of specialized and mass-line work, insisting on proactive defense, punishment in accordance with the law, treatment of both the cause and the symptoms, and the strengthening of the national people’s defense line.

第二条 反间谍工作坚持党中央集中统一领导,坚持总体国家安全观,坚持公开工作与秘密工作相结合、专门工作与群众路线相结合,坚持积极防御、依法惩治、标本兼治,筑牢国家安全人民防线。

Apart from some typical cases of espionage, the anti-espionage law, states in the first paragraph of its fourth article that

Espionage as stated in this law refers to the following activities:

(1) Activities that endanger national security, carried out or prompted or financially aided by espionage organizations and their agents, or carried out by organizations or individuals in collusion with them.



According to article 13,

People’s governments at all levels and related departments should organize and develop anti-espionage vigilance propaganda and education, turn the anti-espionage law’s vigilance knowledge into educational, training, and law popularization content, and strengthen the entire people’s anti-espionage awareness and self-cultivation.

第十三条 各级人民政府和有关部门应当组织开展反间谍安全防范宣传教育,将反间谍安全防范知识纳入教育、培训、普法宣传内容,增强全民反间谍安全防范意识和国家安全素养。

I’ve tried my own bits of translation (taking the CPC folklore it contains into account), but there’s a full translation as well, done by China Law Translate and republished by the American Air University.

“China Daily”, on August 4, wrote that

some Western media outlets have recently expressed so-called “concerns” over the law, sensationalized its impact on investment and business environment, and some even maliciously misinterpreted it as “encouraging citizens to spy on each other”.

The paper quotes an official with the ministry of state security as saying that “companies and their employees who abide by Chinese law and provide normal commercial services are not bound by the article”. Which still leaves the question open what is considered abidance, and what isn’t.

What struck me is that in defense of its “anti-espionage law”, Chinese media rarely seem to emphasize that there is actually knowledge that needs to be protected, because the country is switching from mostly growth-driven to “high-quality” development (which would, obviously, presume that there is stuff foreign agents would want to steal in the first place).

Then again, intimidation is definitely one of the objectives, if not the main objective, of the “anti-spy law”.

Tuesday, June 20, 2023

Henan’s “100-Day Action Plan” to combat Youth Unemployment

China’s Henan province has unveiled a 100-day plan to “dynamically clear” youth unemployment as concern grows over record levels of joblessness among young adults, Reuters reported on June 1, adding that there were millions more students due to graduate this year. Also according to Reuters,  youth unemployment was at a record high nationwide in April. Economists expected youth unemployment to become “increasingly common in coming years as graduates enter the job market”.

Full of joy: the Henan provincial graduates’ employment guide

According to a “Red Star” article, among the sixteen to 24 years-old, the unemployment rate nationwide was at 18.2 percent in April this year, and rose further to 18.4 percent by May. That was four times the overall unemployment rate, and a record high ever since this statistic had been introduced in 2018.

The “Red Star” reporters go further into the provincial “action plan” details. Basically, the universities are assigned with the task to “guide students” into work, mostly by counselling and by finding out about what inhibits them personally, things such as “being in a hesitant rather than a pioneering state of mind” (求稳思维) or being “slow to work” (慢就业), i. e. just not in a hurry – travelling, tutoring or staying with their parents. Studying abroad, too, is counted into “slow to work”.

The universities get the hot potato from the provincial government: they are apparently supposed to “clear” long-term unemployed graduates and graduates from families with a history of unemployment (零就业家庭 ) by August 31.

A CASS professor, Cai Fang (蔡昉), appears to be one of the ecoomists referred to by Reuters. In September 2022, “Interpreter”, a public-domain project run by the Center for Strategic and International Studies, Cai wrote that

According to UN population projections, the share of the relatively young (16-24 years old) in China’s total working-age (16-64 years old) population is expected to increase from 14.8 percent in 2022 to 17.0 percent in 2035. At the ame time, the share of the older population (46-64 years old) will increase from 40.4 percent to 43.1 percent, and the share of the population between 25 and 45 years old will fall from 44.7 percent to 39.9 percent.

(See figure 1 there.)

China no longer faces total employment pressure. However, China will also be in the most dramatic period of development in terms of the progress and application of technology, and of structural change in industry.
[…..] 总体而言中国不再面临就业总量的压力。然而,中国也将处于科技进步与运用,以及产业结构变化最急剧的发展时期。

Cai points to the experience of other countries in the past:

International experience shows that when there is a shock to economic growth, if the policy response
is not timely and appropriate, the shock will leave a “scar” that affects subsequent development, producing a so-called “hysteresis effect” that makes the post-recovery norm in economic growth less favorable than before. Similarly, if the response to cyclical unemployment is not timely, comprehensive, and appropriate, or if it relies only on macroeconomic stimulus without simultaneously addressing the structural and frictional contradictions*) in the labor market, it may leave a “scar” on the employment issue, such that the post-recovery labor market operates with a higher natural rate of unemployment. Although the fundamentals of China’s economy have not changed due to the temporary macroeconomic downturn, the labor market landscape may indeed change as the population enters an era of negative growth
and economic growth faces new challenges.

The whole paper by Cai is available at “Interpret” in both English and Chinese. You can even compare the texts, paragraph-on-paragraph.

What are the goals of Henan’s provnincial government? One objective goal may be to keep the impact from “structural and frictional contradictions” as small as possible. Another goal probably is to satisfy the CPC’s central committee in Beijing, or to have plans to show when having to justify themselves for slow progress in bringing youth unemployment down. Henan is one of the provinces geographically closest to Beijing, and people have probably lost count of the number of visits Xi Jinping and other leading cadres have paid there.

There’s no reason for doom-and-gloom forecasts about China’s economy. There is, however, reason to believe that many young Chinese people will suffer the downsides of the “era-of-high-quality development” that has been heralded by Xi Jinping since October 2017.

That said, no matter if “Chinese-style modernization” or “four modernizations” or what have you, international experience suggests that every developed economy and society has to go through these kinds of unemployment issues.

Then what is “Chinese-style modernization” about? What makes it different from modernization elsewhere Maybe Reuters June-1 article provides an answer:

Heavy-handed tactics to stamp out COVID saw students confined to campuses for long stretches, adding to frustration that led to rare student protests against COVID policies in late 2022.
Industries popular among new graduates in China, such as tech, education, real estate and finance, have all faced regulatory crackdowns in recent years.



*)    According to Cai Fang’s paper, the definition would be this:
structural unemployment
+ frictional unemployment
= natural unemployment
Structural unemployment (摩擦性失业) is “a form of involuntary unemployment caused by a mismatch between the skills that workers in the economy can offer, and the skills” (Wikipedia).
Frictional unemployment is “a form of unemployment reflecting the gap between someone voluntarily leaving a job and finding another. As such, it is sometimes called search unemployment, though it also includes gaps in employment when transferring from one job to another” (Wikipedia).



全职儿女, BBC, June 20, 2023

Monday, December 12, 2022

China-GCC Summit: “Let’s be Partners in our Civilizational Rise”

“The Chinese people see the Arab people as good friends”, then Chief State Councillor Wen Jiabao told his hosts during a visit to the Arab League headquarters in Cairo, thirteen years ago. A few months earlier, then Chinese special representative to the Middle East, Wu Sike, had told a press conference in Beijing that Islamic countries from government to the people, all understand and support the measures the Chinese government took to maintain stability.


To prove that, Xi Jinping held a summit with the Gulf Cooperation Council (in the following: GCC) country leaders in Riyadh on Friday last week. Judging by the faces around the table, only God knows for sure how understanding and supportive the GCC leaders really are, but business is business, and maybe Arab heads of state and govenment never look happy during official appointments anyway. At any rate,

Mohammad Altowaim, a member of the Saudi Chinese Business Council, told the Global Times that he read Xi’s article carefully twice, and the second time he read it to his friends, he read it loud

China’s propaganda usually limits its posts on Twitter to trite feelgood quotes from their great helmsman, but Xi Jinping’s actual “keynote speech” was ambitious. How connective the interfaces of both sides, coined “highly complementary” by Xi, will turn out to be, remains to be seen.  But China’s reference point and litmus test – America – is showing promising signs: Washington is not happy, says CNN.

The following is my translation of Xi Jinping’s keynote speech, given at the China-GCC summit on Friday afternoon local time in Saudi Arabia. Links within blockquotes added during translation.

Esteemed Colleagues, Secretary General Nayef, Hello Everyone!

First of all, let me sincerely express my heartfelt gratitude to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia for its efforts in holding the first Chinese-Gulf-Cooperation Council countries’ summit. I’m very glad that we are getting together all at once, to discuss the development of Sino-GCC relations together.

China and the GCC countries share a history of nearly two-thousand years of friendly contacts. China and the GCC countries have maintained and valued peace, harmony, and sought the real knowledge of “Eastern wisdom”, along the ancient Silk Road. Ever since the GCC was established in 1981, China and the GCC have, for more than fourty years, written a brilliant work of unity and mutual help and win-win cooperation.

China and the GCC countries relations have, after all, achieved rapid development rooted in deep mutual trust. China and the GCC countries have always supported each others’ sovereignty and independence, respected each others’ paths of development, equality of big and small countries without exception, and firmly maintained multilateralism. Rooted in highly complementary [economies], with China’s vast consumer market and its perfect industrial system and with the GCC’s rich energy resources and increasingly diversified development, the two sides are natural cooperation partners. Rooted in popular sentiment, China and the GCC both belong to the Eastern civilization, with similar civilizational values and its peoples knowing each other well. Rooted in trials and tribulations lived through together, facing the challenges of international and regional instabilities and the financial crisis, the COVID-19 epidemic situation, and major natural disasters, the two sides have been in the same boat, keeping watch over each other.


Facing a century of turbulent changes, the GCC countries have united in their strife for self-improvement, have overcome the negative epidemic impact and achieved economic growth, actively promoted political solutions for regional hotspots and problems, promoted the GCC to become the Middle Eastern Gulf’s most vital regional organization, which is highly appreciated by China. At a historical crossroads, let’s contintue the good tradition of China-GCC strategic partnership, and substantiate the content of China’s and the GCC’s strategic relationship.

Let’s be partners in unity and continuously solidify mutual political trust, let’s firmly support each others’ core interests. Let’s jointly uphold the principle of non-interference, join hands for a genuine practice of multilateralism, and protect the numerous developing countries’ common interests.

Let’s be jointly-planning1 partners. Let’s strengthen strategic development interfaces, bring complementary advantages into play, and train the kinetic energy of development. China looks forward to cooperating with all parties to promote and implement global development initiatives, to implement the United Nations’ agenda for sustainable development, and to promote regional development and prosperity.

Let’s be partners in building security together. China will continue its firm support for GCC countries’ protection of their security, its support for the region’s countries in solving disagreement through dialogue and consultations, and in building a Gulf security framework. GCC countries are welcome to participate in global security initiatives and in upholding regional peace and stability together.

Let’s be partners in our civilizational rise. We should enhance communication between our peoples, enrich cultural exchanges, learn from each others’ outstanding civilizational products, promote the eastern civilizations’ profound marrows, and make positive contributions to humankind’s civilizational development and progress.

During the coming three to five years, China would like to make efforts with the GCC countries in the following major fields of cooperation:

Firstly, let’s build a new pattern of three-dimensional energy cooperation. China will continue to import great quanitities of crude oil from GCC countries, broaden its imports of liquified natural gas, strengthen upstream oil and gas exploration and exploitation, and cooperation in engineering services and refining logistics. Full use should be made of Shanghai Petroleum and Natural Gas Exchange, and the settlement of accounts in RMB should be developed. Hydrogen power, energy storage systems, wind and solar energy, intelligent electrical networks and other cooperation on clean and low-carbon energy technology as well as localization of new energy source equipment should be developed. A Sino-GCC forum for the peaceful use of nuclear technology as well as a Sino-GCC demonstration center for nuclear safety should be established, and 300 technical talents from GCC countries be educated in the peaceful use of nuclear technology.

Secondly, let’s make headway in financial and investment cooperation. China would like to cooperate with GCC countries to develop financial-supervision cooperation, facilitate GCC countries’ access to the Chinese capital market. establish sovereign wealth funds with GCC countries, and launch cooperation in numerous ways. Let’s explore and hold Sino-GCC industrial and investment cooperation forums. Let’s strengthen cooperation in the fields of investment in the digitized economy and in green development, and establish bilateral mechanisms for investment and economic cooperation. Let’s work on the interchangeability of our own currencies, deepen digitized currency cooperation, and promote the multiple central bank digital currency bridge project.

Thirdly, let’s expand new fields of cooperation on innovative technology. China would like to establish a big-data and cloud-computing center with GCC countries, strengthen 5G and 6G technological cooperation, jointly establish a number of innovation and startup incubators, and ten projects around cross-border e-commerce and communications infrastructure. Let’s establish a cooperation mechanism for meteorological cooperation between China and the GCC and hold research Sino-GCC research forums on climate change.

Fourthly, let’s achieve new breakthroughs in space cooperation. China would like to carry out a series of cooperation projects concerning remote-sensing and communications satellites, space applications, and space infrastructure. Let’s select the best astronauts2 for training. China welcomes GCC austronauts to the Chinese space station, to carry out scientific experiments on flights together with Chinese austronauts. GCC austronauts are welcome to participate in China’s Chang’E, Tianwen, etc. transport cooperation. and in the establishment of a Sino-GCC moon-probing and space-probing center.

Fifthly, let’s build cooperation highlights in language and cultural cooperation. China is going to cooperate with 300 GCC universities, middle- and elementary schools for Chinese-language education to establish 300 Chinese-language classrooms, to provide 3000 “Chinese Bridge” summer (or winter) camps, establish Chinese Learning and Testing Centers and online Chinese classrooms. Let’s hold Sino-GCC language and cultural forums, build humanities exchange and mutual-learning and bilingual data bases.


China and the GCC countries all shoulder their own responsibilities in the mission of rejuvenated national development. The Sino-GCC relations are both old and young. Let’s connect the past and the future, advance hand in hand, and jointly initiate the beautiful future of Sino-GCC relations!

Thank you all!



1 共谋 (gòngmóu) is actually a rather negative verb – to scheme, to conspire, etc.. “Jointly plan” is also a possible translation, but by far the nicest one among a rather nasty lot.
2 Chinese-English nomenclature: taikonaut



How to speak to Pakistan, April 22, 2015


Wednesday, September 28, 2022

Air Defense Competition, Particular Honors and Promotions

“Hold on to revolution, advance production, advance work, advance war preparation”
The following is my translation from an article first published by the “China Defense Paper” (中国国防报), a paper run by a “People’s Liberation Army” publishing house which also publishes the “People’s Liberation Army Daily”. It was published online by China’s ministry of defense website on September 9, 2022.
Development of civil air defense reportedly started in 1950, when the CPC Central Committee issued a circular for an organizing committee that would then establish a “Central People’s Air Defense Committee” (中共中央发出通知,成立中央人民防空委员会筹委会). “Baike Baidu”, an online encyclopedia:

The masses are both the object and the force of Civil Air Defense. In addition to Civil Air Defense staff, the important goals of partners like government agencies, enterprises and public institutions as well as from all sides of society are also included, as are all aspects of societal life. Civil Air Defense are manifold, including evacuations, camouflage, dealing with the aftermath of air raids, etc..

There have been earlier days of mass mobilization, then against a suspicious power very near there – the USSR, in the 1960s.
The concept of mass mobilisation was confirmed in the 1990s, with an air defense law

adopted at the 202nd Meeting of the Standing Committee of the Eighth National People’s Congress on October 29, 1996, promulgated by Order No. 78 of the President of the People’s Republic of China on October 29, 1996, and effective as of January 1, 1997.

According to the 1996 air-defense law,

[a]s authorized by the State Council and the Central Military Commission, the major military commands shall exercise leadership in the work of civil air defense in the areas under their command.

The article you are going to read describes three particular fields of competition: satellite communication, mobile-devices communication and shortwave communication.
As far as these fields of science are concerned, the 1996 law stipulates that

The tasks to be performed by mass organizations for air defense in time of war include dealing with emergencies, doing rush repairs, providing medical aid, preventing and extinguishing fire, engaging in epidemic prevention, disinfection and sterilization, eliminating contamination, ensuring signal communications, rescuing people, doing emergency transportation of goods and materials and maintaining public order, and in time of peace they shall assist the departments for fighting against floods and earthquakes in dealing with emergencies and doing disaster relief.

That said, the army wants specialized people within its ranks, not somewhere else. And as Chinese people can be drafted (without being asked), a guideline published (or publicised) by the “PLA” in August suggests that drafts during the later months of this year would be based on skills which are particularly relevant for war prepration.

The article.
Main Link: “I particularly care about this honor” (我特别看重这份荣誉)

From August 30 to August 31, the 2022 Henan Provincial Civil Air Defense System Skills Competiton was carried out in the city of Hebi. In contrast to the past, success during the competiton was linked to the contestants’ professional advancement. For example, workers and handymen, no matter if junior, intermediate or senior workers, can all be promoted to a higher position right away, with payment and status being adjusted accordingly.

This change has been made because the Civil Air Defense System Skills Competiton has been integrated into the 2022 Henan Provincial vocational technical skills competiton plan. “The Civil Air Defense communication skills competition is technologically demanding, strict in its standard requirements, and should enjoy preferential regional industrial and technical competition policies.“ Someone in charge at the provincial Human Resources and Social Security Department’s professional capacity-building office explained that “according to the ‘Henan Province Professional Skills Competition (trial) Administrative Method’, three new items have been added this time, concerning: Civil Air Defense satellite communication, Civil Air Defense shortwave communication, and Civil Air Defense mobile device operators. With certain results, participants qualify for professional promotion.

“Integrating war preparation competitions, practicing perfect mastery and ability.” In accordance with this line of thought, Henan Province Civil Air Defense Office first mobilized those to sign up who were up to the condition, and then instructed Municipal Civil Air Defense Offices to hold preliminary competitions to select the best from those already best so as to ensure a high starting point for the provincial finals.

To ensure impartiality and fairness, the National University of Defense and Technology’s School of Communication and Information, counterpart units from Shandong, Guangxi, Sichuan and other provinces, Hebi City Fire and Rescue Brigade and other third parties were invited to send referees.
Extra efforts were made in the design of the test settings. For example, shortwave transmitter-receivers had to work with groundwaves instead of skywaves, because propagation of the latter is variably influenced [by the ionosphere]. This is how variations in assignment conditions for the participants were avoided.

Zhang Guoyin, a high-level worker from Zhengzhou City Civil Air Defense Office, achieved the second position at the Civil Air Defense mobile device operators which means that, according to the rewards policy, he can be promoted to the position of a technician*) right away. “The things demanded in this competiton are pretty much what I’m practising and using regularly anyway, so I could do this quite safely.” Zhang Guoyin told this reporter that to get promoted had by no means been as easy in the past. In 2016, he passed his high-level worker exam, but the acceptance quota was limited, and he was only promoted in 2019.

Tan E, winner of the gold medal at the shortwave communication operators’ competition, is a technician at the Provincial Civil Air Defense command information support center. As far as technicians are concerned, the first three of them [in the competition], won’t be benefitted in terms of payment, but are exempted from two theoretical senior-technician exams. They also earn themselves a title as “Henan Province technology experts”. “I used to be with the signal corps, and I particularly care about this honor.” Holding his certificate in his hands, Tan E couldn’t hide his joy.

There were also active engineers taking part. Gao Bing, associate engineer from the Nanyang Civil Air Defense Office, Liu Wei, intermediate engineer from Hebi Civil Air Defense Office, won gold medals in satellite and mobile device operations respectively. These are excellent successes, laying the foundations for their next professional evaluations. Zhu Anwei, second-class floorwalker at the Provincial Civil Air Defense Office, believes that competiton among staff from specialised technological posts doesn’t only help the participants’ maturity and progress, but also provides everyone with role models, goals to achieve, and is beneficial for the promotion of building skilled and talented echelons.

Those who have earned themselves gold and silver medals have been awarded, and the others don’t consider their participation wasted time either. According to releveant regulations, those who finished 4th to 10th can be promoted. “A moment on stage takes several years of practice off-stage.” According to what leaders at the Civil Air Defense Office say, having gone through several months of ample war preparation not only brought the participants’ professional skills to new levels, but also built a good atmosphere within the provincial civil air defense system that leans on personal technical skills and on real accomplishment and improvement.



*) A reformed eight-level remuneration scale has reportedly been in place earlier this year. It includes the ranks of 学徒工 (apprentice), 初级工 (junior worker), 中级工 (intermediate worker), 高级工 (senior worker), 技师 (technician), 高级技师 (senior technician), 特级技师 (top senior technician), 首席技师 (chief technician) – see Industrial Bank of China and the CPC Central Committee’s “Qiushi” (bimonthly English-language edition) for sources

Friday, July 24, 2020

“Pragmatic Cooperation”: German and Chinese foreign ministers hold videoconference

The following are three off-the-cuff translations of the news articles published by the FMPRC and the German foreign office earlier today, after a videoconference between the two countries’ foreign ministers. These translations are by no means authoritative and may contain errors – in case of the doubt, look at the originals. If either of them is a comprehensive description of the conference is, of course, impossible to tell.

Wang Yi also presented the Chinese version of his country’s conflict with the US, but this was published in an extra article by the FMPRC – please refer to the third translation.

“Positive and constructive attitude”

Links within blockquotes added during translation.

The following is a translation of the news article published by China’s foreign ministry.

On July 24, 2020, Chinese State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi held a video conference with German foreign minister Heiko Maas.


Wang Yi said that since the outbreak of the epidemic, China and Germany had both upheld close communication through telephone, video and other means, to plan for the next step in the development of Chinese-German and Chinese-European relations. We must actively  implement the political consensus reached by the two countries’ leaders, ensure the sound and stable development of Chinese-German relations, advocate multilateralism together, reject unilateral behavior, and provide more stability and correct energy for the world:


Firstly, to newly start Chinese-German dialog on all levels and in all fields, actively plan and carry out dialog and consultation mechanisms in a flexible way, with the two foreign ministries taking a role in the resumption of exchanges.


Secondly, to let Chinese-German pragmatic cooperation resume as soon as possible, to jointly maintain international supply chains and their stability. The two countries have already taken the lead in the implementation of “fast-lane travels”, with the need to create better conditions by strengthening prevention and expanding bilateral staff contacts and increasing the numbers of flights.


Thirdly, to let Chinese-German interaction and coordination on multilateral matters, strengthen cooperation on United Nations matters, implement the G20 summit countries’ consensus and promotion of international epidemic prevention, including help for African and other less-developed regions in fighting the epidemic, and strengthen vaccine research and development and sharing.


Wang Yi emphasized that China has always looked at the EU and Chinese-EU relations with a positive and constructive attitude, always supported the European integration process, supported the EU’s growth and expansion, and happily watched the EU’s development of a greater international role. To develop Chinese-European relations well, comprehensive, objective and accurate knowledge of each other is the key. Wang Yi reiterated that Chinese-European consensus was much greater than their divisions, and cooperation much greater than competition. The two sides’ contacts should be positive and win-win, not a you-lose-I-win zero-sum game. China and Europe are cooperation partners, not systemic rivals. China expects the term of Germany’s rotating EU presidency to promote the realization of still bigger upgradings of Chinese-European relations and is willing to work with Europe to plan and prepare the next stages of the Chinese-European political agenda, to deepen cooperation on climate change, and to send a positive signal that China and Europe join hands to cooperate in safeguarding multilateralism and improving global governance.


Maas first expressed sympathy to the Chinese people suffering the flood disaster. Maas said that Germany places great attention on German-Chinese relations. Close German-Chinese communication, dialog and cooperation in the face of the epidemic challenge had led to good results. Germany highly appreciated China’s pledge to  turn a successfully developed vaccine into an international product after successful development. [Germany] wanted to strengthen cooperation with China in vaccine R & D, and in improving accessibility to such a vaccine. Germany firmly supported multilateralism and supported the WHO. It would substantially increase financial support for the WHO. Germany was willing to make ample use of existing dialog and consultation mechanisms, to strengthen strategic dialog and communication, to cooperate on post-epidemic economic recovery, increase the numbers of business and chartered flights while doing a good job at prevention and control, and promote essential contacts. As rotating president of the EU, Germany placed great attention on European-Chinese relations, was willing to plan the next stages of European-Chinese high-level exchanges, to deepen cooperation on climate change, strengthen third-party cooperation in Africa, and contribute efforts to the promotion of European-Chinese relations’ development.


The two sides exchanged opinions about the China-EU investment agreement negotiations, concurred that with the background of unilateralism and protectionism, efforts to meet half-way and to negotiate needed to be increased, so as to strive for the attainment of a comprehensive, balanced and high-class Chinese-European investment agreement at the earliest possible date.


The following is a translation of the news article published by Germany’s foreign ministry.

Since early June, the worst rains ever since the beginning of keeping records have caused massive floods in China. We are aghast of the pictures and reports about the flood disaster. On behalf of the federal government, I have expressed our deepest sympathy and our solidarity with the population affected by the floods.

Seit Anfang Juni sorgen die schlimmsten Regenfälle seit Beginn der Aufzeichnungen für massive Überschwemmungen in China. Wir sind bestürzt über die Bilder und Berichte der Flutkatastrophe. Im Namen der Bundesregierung habe ich der chinesischen Seite unser tiefstes Mitgefühl und unsere Solidarität mit der von den Fluten betroffenen Bevölkerung ausgedrückt.

For us, China is an important partner, but a competitor and systemic rival, too. Maintaining cooperation matters to us. However, it is also crucial that we keep up dialog especially about critical topics.

China ist für uns ein wichtiger Partner, aber auch Wettbewerber und systemischer Rivale. Für uns ist der Erhalt der Zusammenarbeit wichtig. Gleichzeitig ist es aber auch entscheidend, dass wir im Dialog insbesondere auch zu kritischen Themen bleiben.

The most An important topic of my discussion with Wang Yi was the situation in Hong Kong – as has been in my talks with Great Britain this week, and in EU circles last week. I have presented the common European position and reflectins among EU partners, concerning the treatment of the new legal situation, once again. There, too, there is need for action. To us, it is and remains important that, in accordance with international law entered by China, Hong Kong’s autonomy and the liberties guaranteed by the Basic Law, including freedom of opinion, remain guaranteed. That is why we are watching closely now how the law will be applied in practice, also with reference to the Legislative Council elections. If the principle of “one country, two systems” gets eroded by the security law, there will be consequences for our relations with Hong Kong and China. The human rights situation in China was also a topic in our discussion.

Wichtiges Thema meines Gesprächs mit Wang Yi war die Situation in Hongkong – wie im Übrigen auch schon bei meinen Gesprächen mit Großbritannien diese Woche und im EU-Kreis in der vergangenen Woche. Ich habe Wang Yi nochmals die gemeinsame europäische Haltung und die Überlegungen unter den EU-Partnern zum Umgang mit der neuen Rechtslage dargelegt. Denn auch dort gibt es Handlungsbedarf. Für uns ist und bleibt es wichtig, dass gemäß der völkerrechtlichen Verpflichtungen, die China eingegangen ist, die Autonomie Hongkongs und die im Basic Law garantierten Freiheiten, einschließlich der Meinungsfreiheit, gewährleistet bleiben. Deshalb beobachten wir jetzt genau, wie das Gesetz in der Praxis angewandt wird, auch mit Blick auf die Wahlen zum Legislative Council. Wenn das Prinzip „Ein Land, zwei Systeme“ durch das Sicherheitsgesetz ausgehöhlt wird, hat das auch Folgen für unser Verhältnis zu Hongkong und China. Auch die Menschenrechtslage in China war Thema unseres Gesprächs.

As the EU’s presidency, we also still hope that the EU-China summit, originally planned for mid-September, can soon be catched up with. It is important that we finally reach substantial steps in the EU-China investment agreement.

Als EU-Ratspräsidentschaft hoffen wir nach wie vor, dass der ursprünglich für Mitte September geplante EU-China-Gipfel bald nachgeholt werden kann. Es ist wichtig, dass wir endlich substantielle Schritte beim EU-China-Investitionsabkommen erreichen.

G5 network development was a topic in our discussion, too. I explained that strengthening Europe’s digital sovereignty is an important concern for the German EU presidency. We have a strategic interest in our critical infrastructur’s security. To this end, security criteria will be established that all companies have to fulfill if they want to take part in 5G network development.

Auch der 5G-Netzwerkausbau war Thema unseres Gesprächs. Ich habe erläutert, dass die Stärkung der digitalen Souveränität Europas ein wichtiges Anliegen der deutschen EU-Ratspräsidentschaft ist. Wir haben ein strategisches Interesse an der Sicherheit unserer kritischen Infrastruktur. Dafür werden Sicherheitskriterien aufgestellt, die von allen Unternehmen zu erfüllen sind, wenn sie am 5G Netzwerkausbau beteiligt sein wollen.

In the area of climate change, the EU wants to work closely with China. Without China, we will not be able to achieve sustainable results here. Therefore, it was important that here, too, we remain in a close dialog.

Im Bereich Klimaschutz wollen wir als EU den engen Schulterschluss mit China suchen. Ohne China werden wir hier keine nachhaltigen Ergebnisse erzielen können. Deswegen war es wichtig, dass wir auch hierzu im engen Dialog bleiben.

We have also addressed the situation in Libya and Iran. If we want progress, we need China as a responsible actor in international politics. I have once again made a case for more Chinese support about Libya in the UN Security Council, and for constructive cooperation about Iran. Here, it has to be our main goal to preserve the JPCOA.

Wir haben auch die Situation in Libyen und dem Iran angesprochen. Wenn wir Fortschritte erzielen wollen, brauchen wir China als verantwortungsvollen Akteur in der internationalen Politik. Ich habe mich nochmals stark gemacht für eine weitere Unterstützung durch China zu Libyen im Sicherheitsrat der Vereinten Nationen und für eine konstruktive Mitarbeit zum Iran. Hier muss es unser oberstes Ziel bleiben, das JCPoA zu erhalten.

Of course, we also discussed COVID-19. The pandemic appears to be under control in our two countries for now – a success of our cooperation and solidarity. We agreed that this creates the opportunity for gradual development of travel connections between our countries.

Selbstverständlich haben wir auch über COVID-19 gesprochen. Die Pandemie scheint in unseren beiden Ländern vorerst unter Kontrolle zu sein – ein Erfolg unserer Zusammenarbeit und Solidarität. Wir waren uns einig, dass dies die Möglichkeit schafft, gemeinsam am schrittweisen Ausbau von Reiseverbindungen zwischen unseren Ländern zu arbeiten.

However, we must not relent in our efforts in fighting Corona. The pandemic continues to require international solidarity, especially in a globally fair distribution of a future vaccine. However, it is also important in our view that there will be scientific research [or investigation] of the virus’ origins. Therefore, we also discussed an invitation to the WHO, concerning the deployment of an expert commission.

Wir dürfen in unseren Bemühungen im Kampf gegen Corona aber keinesfalls nachlassen. Die Pandemie erfordert nach wie vor internationale Solidarität, gerade auch bei der global gerechten Verteilung eines künftigen Impfstoffes. Wichtig ist aus unserer Sicht allerdings auch eine wissenschaftliche Untersuchung der Herkunft des Virus. Daher haben wir auch über eine Einladung an die WHO über die Entsendung einer Expertenmission gesprochen.

The following is a translation of Wang Yi’s version of China’s conflict with the US.

State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi, during a video meeting with German foreign minister Heiko Maas on July 24, 2020, introduced [Maas] to the current [state of] Chinese-American relations on request.


Wang Yi said that the problems in Chinese-American relations are all created by America, their objective is to try to interrupt China’s development progress, by means fair or foul, and even with a lack of any bottom line. Recently, some American anti-China forces also deliberately created ideological antagonism, openly forced other countries to choose the side to stand on, to get into confrontation with China for America’s selfish interest, but no country with an innate sense of right and wrong and an independent spirit would keep that kind of company.


Wang Yi said that China still hopes that non-conflict with America can be reached, without confrontation, with mutual respect, mutually profitable cooperation, but that we will inevitably and resolutely defend national sovereignty and national dignity, resolutely defend our own just development rights, and the principles of international relations. China will not behave like America, but won’t tolerate American trouble-making either.



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