Early April: Spring by Day, Winter by Night

Update/Reading Recommendation:
The Historical Roots of Defensive Fundamentalism in North Korea,
Sino-NK, April 3, 2013

Spring at day, winter at night.

Spring by day, winter by night.

Compare this picture with that one of 2011, and you may find that April 2013 looks like February 2011 in this place. Spring is late, to put it mildly, but it seems to be coming in now.

Sprinkling the cottonwood plants.

Sprinkling the cottonwood plants.

Dry as usual, though, with the exception of occasional snowfall at night – and the wind has dried the brushwood to a degree that the authorities have released fire alerts.

8 Comments to “Early April: Spring by Day, Winter by Night”

  1. Fire alerts! While we are undergoing winter training and equipment refurbishment, we are available for overseas gigs. Business class, quality accomodation and all the beer we can drink. However, as we have our own very fetching uniform, we will skip the lederhosen.


  2. Duplication here re SinoNK piece.
    John Garnaut:

    But the real point on the China-DPRK relationship is nailed by Garnaut in this audio file from an interview yesterday.


  3. Firefighting gear is strictly functional, and Lederhosen are Bavarian (the only German state, I believe, whose constitution reserves them the right to break away from the German federation.

    This place isn’t Bavaria, and it isn’t Heidelberg. Heck, I don’t even understand their language!

    Some ignorant comments from down under spell an intellectual colonization of my country. Rightful indignation here.


  4. I’m not sure the Bavarian constitution has an explicit exit clause. If there was one, Bavarian separatists would mention it.

    A breakaway clause was proposed for another ‘Free State’, Thuringia, in a PDS/Linke constitutional draft (Art. 1 § 2), but it didn’t make it to the text approved in 1993.


  5. That’s an illustration (by Karl Eckle) from a 1956 edition of Grimmelhausen’s Simplicissimus. It quite likely depicts the 1635 banquet (chap. 29 here in English) at the Governor’s in Hanau (Hesse), away from lederhosen country.

    And the great follies which they did commit and the huge draughts which they drank to each other became bigger as time went on, so that it seemed as if fooleries and draughts strove with each other which of them should be accounted the greater: but at last this contest ended in a filthy piggishness.

    The local dress would be rather unfetching were it not for the hat:

    (Wikimedia Commons)


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