Lots of Snowfall, Slowing Blogging Output

Eight years ago, I felt unhappy. I found it hard to make up my mind – should I stay focused on China, or should I return to Germany for good? It didn’t even look like a either-or decision. I only knew at hindsight that it was a – probably – final decision.

I sleepwalked into a loving relationship in 2006. It was just another try, during the first hours of us getting to know each other, in 2006. Gradually, it became evident that it was probably for life. It’s that kind of experience which is probably neither universal, nor exceptional. It happens frequently, to many people, but not to everyone. It isn’t unique, but I’m beginning to understand that it is a privilege all the same. For the first time in my life, I’m feeling long-standing gratitude.

This has kept me here in Germany. There’s family, there are old friends, but all that might not have kept me here. Now, there is this sense of belonging. It has grown for a while, and now it’s here.

I’m wondering – what does China mean to me, in this “new situation”? Does it still make sense to “blog about China”?

I’m probably not going to make a conscious decision about that either. It’s not such a big thing, to blog or not to blog, even though more than 1,900 posts and countless hours of reading and translating stuff about current affairs spell some kind of commitment which one wouldn’t easily throw away.

What might happen is that I’ll slow down. In recent years, I blogged more frequently than every second day. My goal now will probably be to stay up-to-date, not to lose track about current affairs surrounding China. As far as I feel that it makes sense, I’ll continue to read and to blog.

Thinking about it, I have probably moved past a somewhat belated midlife crisis. I’m beginning to learn where I belong. That means that some things are probably going to change, and I’m curious about the changes.

5 Comments to “Lots of Snowfall, Slowing Blogging Output”

  1. JR. This is the first time you have really exposed yourself in personal terms.

    I’ m pleased that you are in a happy relationship and those situations require serious time, effort and good cooking skills Men who can’t cook for home and hearth are doomed.

    Even if you just post your current reading materials, stay on line.

    ((My net scribbling ambitions now keep getting pushed into the future due to fire fighting call outs. They are physically very demanding, occasionally dangerous and always wreck my blogging plans. Look forward to winter.)

    Best to you both and that rotten cat.



  2. KT, I can always cook for survival (fried potatos, etc.), but that’s about as far as my skills in the kitchen go. Seems to me that your fire fighting callouts are demanding, but also an experience you wouldn’t want to miss. Life is always life-dangerous.

    Yes, I’ll stay online – just not exactly as frequently as before. A blog always seems to yell for more content, just like a hot-air balloon. Something I should resist from time to time. Not blogging every bit that comes to my eyes should actually help to improve quality.

    Thanks for your good wishes!


  3. Thoroughly sympathise. I have to admit I’ve found it very difficult to blog at all recently – partly because of work/relationship conerns, but also partly from the feeling that I don’t really know enough to make any useful comment on what’s currently happening as I’ve been removed from China for a bit too much time.


  4. I guess it’s an advantage to lean on Chinese papers, Foarp. That’s how information keeps coming in. But even if you add stuff from CMP etc., it is of course a very politicized perspective.

    Anyway, I think I’ll be back to posting some time during the second half of next week, and should make it a rule to post about twice a week, so as to make sure that regular readers don’t lose interest.

    Everything has a season, I guess. To keep reading, but writing much less than before should be helpful. But I’m looking forward to your next blogpost – whenever it may come into my feedreader.


  5. I always wondered how someone can keep up this pace in high quality blogging for such a long time. Twice a week is still great. I ll for sure keep on visiting.


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